Monday, May 25, 2009

Decoration Day

In remembrance and to honor all those soldiers who have lost their lives while serving our nation, we are dedicating this blog to all things red, white, and blue.


painting by Alyse Radenovic

Published in 1942 by General Cable Corp.

Happy Memorial Day!

A real update blog will follow soon. This week sorella designs hits the metal smithing studio!

Monday, May 11, 2009

ahhh...the sweet smell of success

We spent this past weekend in Griffin, GA (our home town) showing off our works of art at the Hatch Market. First of all we would like to thank everyone that had anything to do with putting the weekend together, everyone at Scoop Magazine, especially Jessica W., who was able answer the thousand questions I had before the event. Everyone was so helpful, as this was our very first art festival and we didn't really know what to expect. We're so new to the jewelry hustle. Just think, it was only 2 months ago that we got the idea to make our watch/clock piece jewelry and now we're actually selling it to people. It's really humbling to hear someone say "oooo I really like this one, I have to have it, how much is it?". So, all in all, it was a success. We will have the pieces that didn't sell plus a few we came up with this week on etsy. We met so many nice people this weekend and hope we picked up a few readers in the process!! This week are filing out the paper work to get our tax I.D. number....and making our little business legit. Then on to the oh so exciting merchant bank account opening. We'll post all the juicy details, so in case you're thinking about starting up your own business, maybe our adventures will some how help you on yours.

I'm going to leave you with pictures of our sweet set-up from the weekend and some new pieces we've made. They are in the most ridiculous order because blogger is being crazy and almost caused me to throw my computer out the window. I had to give up, I've been wanting to post this since Monday :) Happy Hump Day!!!

A birdie and a gear, 16in chain

a very cool mix of materials. wood, brass, gold, jade, and sterling silver (34 in chain)

The mustache tea cup coupons we gave out for tea and cookies

Mr. Kole Hamilton made an apperance

Enameled flower, tassel, wooden gear, and brass vintage clock hand (34 in sterling silver chain)

The jewelry "trees"my dad made for displaying the jewelry, so cool.

Angie, hard at work ;)

This is us Saturday, the booth looked a little different Sunday.

Dad made these too, to hold Angie's hand designed and screen printed bags

Okay, I'm done with blogging today, now all my words are underlined and bold, how annoying!!! :) (making me laugh a little bit too, of course this happens after having all the trouble copying/pasting pictures...ARG!)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Procrastination has got me thinking. Of course when I have soo much to do, so many things to finish before this weekend..I feel most inspired to sit down and put my feelings into words..not make jewelry or finish the one billion things I have on my list. Recently there have been a turn of events that have lead me to think about how thankful I am. So often you find yourself going day-to-day, same ole routine....ignoring the special moments and wishing for time to pass quickly for one reason or the other. I'm sure I don't let those most close to me know exactly how much they mean to me or how I'm sure I couldn't live with out them. My sister is my best friend and I don't tell her that enough. My parents are my greatest source of inspiration..through tough times and great times they have always been there for us....instilling in me a true sense of what family should be. I remember my first lesson in slowing down, I'll always be thankful for Mrs. Patterson, my high school freshman english teacher. She had us read "Our Town", a play by Thornton Wilder (which I recommend reading if you haven't already) and now every time I feel like life is getting too fast or I'm getting lost in the routine, I remember the theme of that play: To find joy in the monotony of every day life, to stop and smell the thankful for what you've been given. Seems like a very poignant lesson to be teaching 14 year olds, I'm surprised and glad that it really stuck with me.

So the point of this entry: The Hatch Market is fast approaching (THIS WEEKEND!!!), we're freaking out because this is our first juried art show....first trade show...first time we're going to get face-to-face feedback on our jewelry (from strangers :). We're running around like mad women trying to make sure we've covered all of our bases... So this is for you Ang!, calm down...enjoy the days before the madness. I love you and couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else. I'll try to take my own advice too!